Music Would Taped Music Be A Good Option For Me?

Would taped music be a good option for me? - music

I love singing and playing music. I can not find someone to join a group. All my friends are either in gangs or talent. It would be a good idea to include music and songs recorded with live music. Was it a good idea and it is common? It depends on the music?


Saul said...

The drawback to see a band-pass or something so it is very annoying - only one person. You have to be very entertaining. The second is, especially guitarists, you will do to the rhythm? The two options I saw a drum machine or laptop. The laptop is more expensive, but it can literally burn a full CD-quality monitor. Unfortunately, the sound quality is entirely dependent on home speakers ... think could be a bad thing. The best way would be to get a rack configuration, where you plug your laptop into the can ... But it would mean a mixer or preamp (Virtualizer, perhaps), an amplifier, and possibly other effects (EQ, Compressor, a voice processor, etc..)

A laptop and dynamic "feel" ... can give and take with a drum machine. This could mean that the music can feel lifeless and mechanical. However, a laptop has many options available.

If I had money, that's what I would do .... as it is, I do my best to my drummer and I talk #039; m on a side project for me.

Think .... Corruption. =)


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